Design Approach

Fulcher Engineering’s project development Team works closely with each client and tailors its services to provide maximum value to fit the need. During a typical development cycle our design approach can include the following:

Project Development / Schematic Design:

  • Work with our clients to develop a project budget, schedule and scope.
  • Assemble the engineering support team which may include outside consultants and sub-contractors.
  • Review existing plans and relevant documents.
  • Analyze projects from a total ownership cost point of view and long term rate-of-return.
  • Create preliminary specifications that meet the strategic design objectives.

Design Development Phase:

  • Site visits as needed to verify all existing conditions.  The step is absolutely crucial for remodel projects.
  • Preliminary floor plan layouts and equipment locations.
  • Refine budget estimates for construction costs.
  • Maintain continued client communication regarding design development options and schedule allowing client approval and input.
  • Provide Design Development set for Client/Owner review.

 Construction Document Phase:

  • Respond to comments received during the Design Development phase.
  • Finalize mechanical layout and schedules.
  • Finalize plumbing layout and schedules.
  • Finalize specifications for materials, equipment, and installation requirements
  • Provide updated construction cost estimate.
  • Provide Construction Document set for Client/Owner review.


  • Respond to comments received during the Construction Document phase.
  • Prepare bid package documents for competitive bidding.
  • Attend the pre-bid conference, do a walk-through with contractors/suppliers, and answer any questions regarding plans and specifications.


  • Review all submittals, construction schedules, and schedule of values.
  • Respond to all Contractor requests for information (RFIs).
  • Participate in the pre-construction meeting.
  • Project Managers attend scheduled project meetings and prepare meeting minutes.
  • Project Managers conduct periodic site visits to review work progress and progress payment applications, and verify installation conformance to contract documents.
  • Our engineers will provide on-site systems start-up training sessions with contractors, suppliers, and owner representatives as needed.
  • Final job completion documents and inspections.


  • After construction our team can be retained to verify that all systems are working as intended.  Fulcher Engineering personnel work with the contractors and testing, adjusting and balancing (TAB) agent to ensure proper system operation.  Commissioning is typically part of our construction administration services when requested.